Gone from the Amazon?

ENVIRONMENT Deforestation adds up. New research finds that the Amazon region could lose more than half of its tree species by the year 2050. (Scientific American) Use our resources to learn more about human impact in the Amazon. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit, including a link to today’s beautiful hi-resolution maps of human impact and biodiversity … Continue reading Gone from the Amazon?

Media Monday: What do Ducklings Have in Common with Big Cats?

I came across this video last week. It’s a bird’s-eye view of a mother duck crossing a busy highway with her baby ducklings. It’s also a stunning reminder that we live among wildlife (no matter how small) and that our way of life impacts how animals survive. Like the ducks in the video, other animals have to cross highways and roads to get to their habitats or their … Continue reading Media Monday: What do Ducklings Have in Common with Big Cats?

Explore the Southern Line Islands with Enric Sala and Oceans Now!

My Wonderful World and National Geographic invite you to follow Enric Sala on his journey to the Southern Line Islands deep in the South Pacific. While there, Dr. Sala and a team of scientists will study and catalog one of the world’s last marine ecosystems “untouched” by humans. The islands present an example of what the oceans looked like hundreds of years ago–before human impacts–and, … Continue reading Explore the Southern Line Islands with Enric Sala and Oceans Now!