Reader Question: Geographic Learning at Home

“I have a student who has three interests in life: science, animals, and media. Can you suggest any cool software programs that her parents can purchase for home or that I can buy for the classroom? She is a very, very bright kid, mature, and academically super advanced.” Mariana Mujica-Parodi, 4th Grade Teacher, Washington D.C. Hi Mariana,There are loads of resources available on the My … Continue reading Reader Question: Geographic Learning at Home

October 2008 Newsletter

Read the October 2008 Newsletter: “Prizes and Fellowships”

Use Google Earth to Create a Trick-or-Treat Map
GeoFeature: Prepare for Geography Awareness Week 2008
Geography in the News: Election 101
Blog: PTA President Jan Harp Domene on Geo-ed and the 2008 Election

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Continue reading “October 2008 Newsletter”