Music in Our Schools, Music in Your Classroom!

The National Association for Music Education recognizes Music in Our Schools Month (MIOSM) as a time to “raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children—and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music.” Here are five ways you can integrate music into geography, language arts, civics, and social studies classrooms. Use our diverse resources to explore … Continue reading Music in Our Schools, Music in Your Classroom!

National Anthems and Their Geographic Implications

In 1931, the Star-Spangled Banner was signed into law as the official national anthem of the United States. While our national anthem is essentially a battle hymn (take a look at the lyrics here) that is not the case for many countries in the world. Israel and Palestine Take these translated lyrics of Israel’s national anthem: The hope of two thousand years,To be a free … Continue reading National Anthems and Their Geographic Implications

White Supremacist Tries to Take Over Town

UNITED STATES A man called “one of the best-known white supremacists in North America” is buying up land in the tiny town of Leith, North Dakota. “We [white supremacists] want to politically control the town,” he says. (CNN, watch the video below!) Use our resources to understand the cultural characteristics of place—and how people can take advantage of these characteristics. SCROLL DOWN to express how you … Continue reading White Supremacist Tries to Take Over Town

Sense of Place- A Reader Response

In response to my introductory post, our friend Julianne Idleman shared with us her sense of place. She said, “We love the feeling we have in the garden that we share with our local home schooling group. It gives us a sense of place that is always growing and changing.” I was intrigued by her garden, as gardening was something that I grew up with. … Continue reading Sense of Place- A Reader Response