Arab League to Create Joint Military Force

WORLD Leaders of the 22-nation Arab League have agreed to the principle of creating a joint Arab military force. (USA Today) Use our resources to learn more about the Arab League and other international organizations. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit, including a link to today’s MapMaker Interactive map of the Arab League. Discussion Ideas The USA Today … Continue reading Arab League to Create Joint Military Force

Tracking Uprisings in the “Middle East”**

Thumbnail image for Screen shot 2011-06-16 at 12.05.13 PM.jpg
(Above: a map created with Nat Geo Education’s MapMaker Interactive, which lets you easily customize your map with themes, drawings, and labels)
Back in February, we posted background information on the unrest in Egypt. Now, we see that the Arab Awakening, or Arab Spring*, may prove to be the most important series of social and political developments since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This past spring semester I took a class call “Geopolitics of the Middle East,” where my professor quickly and appropriately abandoned the syllabus to cover the daily events that rocked the region. 
Unlike the transformation of the U.S.S.R. and its satellite regimes, the revolutions of the Arab Spring have not been tied to the fate of a superpower. In my class, we struggled to keep track of the grassroots movements, each with their unique manifestations that reflected national and regional contexts. My National Geographic Atlas of the Middle East served as an excellent base of information on cultural, economic, and natural features of the region (Okay, I’m biased because I work here, but this really is a most useful book!).  But, like all printed maps, it was already out of date. In this post, I’ll share my favorite resources on learning and teaching about this complicated region. 

Continue reading “Tracking Uprisings in the “Middle East”**”