Armenia’s Stone-Age Arms Industry

WORLD High-tech archaeology has revealed that millions of obsidian artifacts, unearthed from the Aegean to Crimea, were made at a Paleolithic “factory” in the Caucasus. (Nat Geo News) Use our resources to take a look at an obsidian artifact unearthed a little closer to home. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our “Teachers’ Toolkit.” Discussion Ideas The great Nat Geo … Continue reading Armenia’s Stone-Age Arms Industry

Mine-Clearing is Women’s Work

WORLD Women have moved from sidelines to front line in effort to rid Mozambique of land mines. (Nat Geo News) Use our resources to better understand why land mines remain a fatal legacy of many conflicts. Teachers, scroll down for a short list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. DISCUSSION IDEAS Read our short article on the International Day of Mine Awareness, as well … Continue reading Mine-Clearing is Women’s Work

What Are North Korea’s Intentions?

WORLD North Korea has warned the world that “the moment of explosion is near,” as troops have been cleared to launch a nuclear attack. North Korean rockets have the potential to strike most of its close neighbors, Europe, the U.S., and Australia. North Korea also has a fearsome collection of biological and chemical weapons. (National Post) Has North Korea launched a nuclear weapon? Use our … Continue reading What Are North Korea’s Intentions?