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MapMaker Activity: Explore and Protect the Ocean With Pristine Seas

MapMaker, National Geographic’s geovisualization tool, contains an ever-expanding list of map layers curated for students. Together, they form a geographic data set that learners can use to illustrate a concept or tell a story. These map layers are data that learners can overlay on a basemap, like a transparency on a projector. In September, we shared tips for getting started with MapMaker. Now, we have … Continue reading MapMaker Activity: Explore and Protect the Ocean With Pristine Seas

Tracking the Footprints of Global Fisheries

ENVIRONMENT Using satellite data and machine learning, scientists have mapped activity in fisheries around the world. (National Geographic) Use our activity on “Fisheries and Seafood Consumption” to help make sense of the new mapping data. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit.   Discussion Ideas New research maps the footprint of industrial fishing in the world ocean. What … Continue reading Tracking the Footprints of Global Fisheries

The ‘Palau Pledge’ Puts Ecology First

ENVIRONMENT The Palauan government recently instituted a mandatory ‘eco-pledge’ for tourists—in the form of a passport stamp. (National Geographic) What did our Pristine Seas team find in Palau? Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. PALAU PLEDGE Children of Palau I take this pledge, as your guest, to preserve and protect your beautiful and unique island home. I … Continue reading The ‘Palau Pledge’ Puts Ecology First

Mexico Creates One of the Largest Marine Reserves in the Pacific

ENVIRONMENT Mexico’s government has created the largest ocean reserve in North America around the Pacific archipelago of the Revillagigedo islands. (The Guardian and National Geographic) What’s going on around the Revillagigedo islands? Learn more from our Pristine Seas expedition. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit.   Discussion Ideas Mexico just created a 150,000-square-kilometer (57,000-square-mile) marine reserve surrounding … Continue reading Mexico Creates One of the Largest Marine Reserves in the Pacific

Update: Expedition to the Desventuradas Islands

Two weeks ago, we announced the latest and greatest National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition to the Desventuradas Islands. Located 853 kilometers (530 miles) off the coast of Chile, the Desventuradas are one of the most mysterious and unknown places in the Eastern Pacific. Very little scientific information is known about this (essentially uninhabited) “blue spot” on the map. In fact, the area surrounding the Desventuradas … Continue reading Update: Expedition to the Desventuradas Islands