Five Fun Ways to Teach Halloween … Geographically!

‘Tis the season of All Hallows Eve(n). Did you know that the holiday name “Hallowe’en” comes from the Old English phrase “All Hallows Evening?” ” E’en is a shortened form of “even,” which is an abbreviation of “evening.” The commercialization of holidays often means that their historic and geographic origins all but disappear from the public consciousness … spooky! So channel your inner Jack-o-Lantern and … Continue reading Five Fun Ways to Teach Halloween … Geographically!

Who Celebrates Dia de los Muertos?

#TBT alert! This blog post was originally published on October 31, 2013! UNITED STATES Is Dia de los Muertos—the Day of the Dead, celebrated by Latinos around the world—”The Next New American Holiday”? This infographic makes a convincing case! (Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum) Use our resources to better understand Dia de los Muertos! Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ … Continue reading Who Celebrates Dia de los Muertos?

Weekly Warm-Up: 5 Ways to Bring Halloween to the Classroom

Holidays often mean incredibly excited students. And since you probably can’t beat the Halloween hysteria, why not join it? Here are some great ways to bring the monster mash to your classroom. 1) Discover the origins of Halloween. Your students may not know that their favorite spooky holiday has roots that are around 2,000 years old. Challenge them to research the Celtic festival of Samhain, … Continue reading Weekly Warm-Up: 5 Ways to Bring Halloween to the Classroom