Watch the Sahara Fertilize the Amazon

SCIENCE On one side of the Atlantic is one of the driest splotches of land on Earth. On the other side is one of the wettest and most fertile. Despite the miles of open ocean separating the Sahara and Amazon, the two locales do share a commonality—nutrient-rich dust. (UPI) Take a look at a satellite photo of the so-called Sahara dust layer. Teachers, scroll down … Continue reading Watch the Sahara Fertilize the Amazon

Photo of grassland.

Where Did the Grassland Go?

This post was written by guest blogger Ginger Allington. Can you guess where this grassland is located? The grassland above is in Arizona . . . in a desert. When many people think of a desert, they think of sand dunes and tall spiny cacti. However, deserts are home to an amazing diversity of plants and animals. These living things are adapted to the dry, … Continue reading Where Did the Grassland Go?

A Blast From The Past

The following post was written by 2014 Grosvenor Teacher Fellow Demetria Scott during her expedition to the Arctic. The Grosvenor Teacher Fellow Program is a professional development opportunity made possible by a partnership between Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic Education.  Expedition Location: Arctic Svalbard, Norway We traversed the Arctic desert around Palanderbukta fjord. When you envision the desert, you think hot, dry, and arid. In contrast, the Arctic desert is … Continue reading A Blast From The Past

Rock On!

SCIENCE Some scientists use GPS locations to keep track of wide-ranging sharks. Others attach GPS tags to observe the movements of reclusive snow leopards. And then there are the guys who use the technology to study the movements of rocks. Well, OK. (National Geographic Newswatch) Use our resources to see how these stones sail! Discussion Ideas Read through the National Geographic Newswatch article. How do 272-kilogram … Continue reading Rock On!

New National Monument in New Mexico

ENVIRONMENT President Barack Obama has created a new national monument, setting aside a half-million acres of federal land in southern New Mexico. The Organ Mountains-Desert Peak National Monument encompasses five mountain ranges and has some 243 known archeological sites. (National Geographic News) Use our resources to learn more about national parks and monuments. Listen to these “Youth Voices for New Mexico’s Outdoors” interact with the … Continue reading New National Monument in New Mexico