From Poop to Potable with Bill Gates

HEALTH “I watched the piles of feces go up the conveyer belt and drop into a large bin. They made their way through the machine, getting boiled and treated. A few minutes later I took a long taste of the end result: a glass of delicious drinking water.” —Bill Gates Bill Gates has drunk a glass of water made from human feces to showcase technology … Continue reading From Poop to Potable with Bill Gates

What did the War in Afghanistan Accomplish?

WORLD The longest war in United States history has officially come to a close. And for many service members, the overwhelming feeling is: good riddance. (Military Times) According to the article, “Many troops base their pessimism on firsthand experience with Afghanistan, its culture and its people.” Use our resources to deepen awareness of this often misunderstood country. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of … Continue reading What did the War in Afghanistan Accomplish?

Where Are the Happiest People in the World?

WORLD Where are the happiest people in the world? All over, it seems. Happiness is on the rise globally, according to an annual “Happiness Poll” of the citizens of 65 countries. (BBC) Map the world’s happiness with our MapMaker Interactive. Teachers, scroll down for a short list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit. Discussion Ideas Consult the annual WIN/Gallup International Global Happiness Survey results. Particularly, … Continue reading Where Are the Happiest People in the World?

Go on a Family “Camping” Trip

If this December break from school is starting to feel long, here’s a new idea to spice up the post-holiday doldrums and ring in the New Year. While the weather outside might be frightful, you can still go on an indoor family camping trip. Use this family activity guide to learn about gray wolves while laughing and learning together. Kids love animals, though some animals … Continue reading Go on a Family “Camping” Trip

Are the Tallest Trees in Tasmania?

ENVIRONMENT Mountain ash trees growing on the Australian island of Tasmania are the tallest flowering trees in the world. They are not quite the tallest trees of any kind, however—that record belongs to the coast redwoods of California. But that might be because things have been skewed against the mountain ash. (BBC) Use our resources to learn more about the tallest trees in the world. … Continue reading Are the Tallest Trees in Tasmania?