Amazing Metal Makes Water Bounce Like Magic

TECHNOLOGY Scientists have created a metal that is so extremely hydrophobic that water bounces on it as if it were repelled by a magic force field. Instead of using chemical coatings, the researchers used lasers to etch a nanostructure on the metal itself. (SPLOID) Use our activity to better understand the properties of matter at the nanoscale. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources … Continue reading Amazing Metal Makes Water Bounce Like Magic

Word of the Week: scavenger

scavenger (SKA-vehn-jur) noun. organism that eats dead or rotting biomass, such as animal flesh or plant material. A scavenger is an organism that mostly consumes decaying biomass, such as meat or rotting plant material. Many scavengers are a type of carnivore, which is an organism that eats meat. While most carnivores hunt and kill their prey, scavengers usually consume animals that have either died of natural causes … Continue reading Word of the Week: scavenger

What’s the State of the Union in 2015?

POLITICS President Barack Obama has delivered his 2015 State of the Union speech to Congress, outlining what his administration is calling “middle-class economics.” Read the full text of the speech, and explore some of the issues raised by middle-class economics—and President Obama’s final term in office. (Medium) Use our resources to better understand the U.S. government. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key … Continue reading What’s the State of the Union in 2015?

Author Explores a ‘Gateway to Freedom’

UNITED STATES Historian Eric Foner’s new book, Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad, explores “[t]he struggle of people to make this a better country.” (NPR) Explore the Underground Railroad as a runaway slave in our Underground Railroad: Journey to Freedom interactive. Teachers, use the interactive’s Educator Guide to help students engage with the activity. Discussion Ideas Explore our Underground Railroad interactive. … Continue reading Author Explores a ‘Gateway to Freedom’

Tracking Wildlife With Personal Tech

ENVIRONMENT Enlisting input from a network of volunteer citizen scientists expands the reach of a project, sometimes beyond what scientists can imagine. (National Geographic News) Find ideas on citizen science projects for yourself, your family, or your classroom. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources—including a list of some of our favorite kid-friendly citizen science projects! Discussion Ideas What is citizen science? … Continue reading Tracking Wildlife With Personal Tech