Preparing ‘Generation G’


Our own Danny Edelson, vice
president for education at the National Geographic Society, recently authored
an op-ed for Education Week. In his
commentary, Edelson makes the case that restoring geographic education in the
K-12 curriculum is necessary to prepare the current generation of students for
an increasingly globalized world. Read the full text article, titled “Geography and Generation G.”

What do you think of the piece and the concept of a new “global generation”     (Gen G) ?

2 thoughts on “Preparing ‘Generation G’

  1. Hey Zach,
    I just wanted to say thanks for your comment! I agree that the concept of ‘Gen G’ is indeed dead on and we need to do all we can to prepare our youth for the dynamic world of tomorrow. I’ve talked to my supervisors about your site and we have been checking it out. I gotta say that, as a ‘stat nerd’, your map engine is totally sweet. Hopefully we can get something going pretty soon. If nothing else, I would love to write a blog story about your site. Again, Thanks for your interest!
    Cameron Meyer for My Wonderful World

  2. Hi Danny (and all),
    I think you are dead on in the need for Gen G and better geography education. I work at a small software company that would love to participate in improving Geo/Global literacy. We made a free mapping engine and data portal that may be useful. Please contact us if we can add to the effort in any way.
    Here is the main page for the software and data access:
    Thanks for the great work.
    Best regards,
    Zach Wilson
    CFO, UUorld, Inc.

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