Guestblogger Series: Happy Arbor Day from NYC!

Arbor Day is our national holiday to celebrate tree planting and care. As New York City is best known as a paved paradise, you might not expect to hear this greeting coming from here. But that is exactly why
I am writing today.

NYC_SatelliteImage.jpg                                                               Angela King. Copyright

NYC might not seem that green from first glimpse, even from the air. But there are over 5 million trees in our city! Beyond 6,000 acres of woodlands that stand out on the satellite map, there are trees along our streets, on public property, in commercial and housing developments, and in backyards–yes, we even have backyards here!

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Earth Week: Eco-Police in NYC? You better believe it.

This morning I came across a video on CNN that followed a couple of New York’s finest throughout their daily beat… but these officers weren’t handing out traffic tickets or thwarting robberies. Instead, they were patrolling the fish section of a Chinatown market for the sale of illegal species, wrangling a humpback whale out of the NY Harbor, and performing a roadside smog-test on a … Continue reading Earth Week: Eco-Police in NYC? You better believe it.

Geography of Buzz: Buzzworthy?

A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) held in Las Vegas this March described how geographic analysis can be used to identify the “coolest” places in LA and NYC–depending upon your definition of “cool.”

 “The Geography of Buzz” project, conducted by Elizabeth Currid and Sarah Williams, was brought to my attention after being featured in the New York Times. Their methodology: Currid and Williams mined through thousands of stock photographs from the imaging giant Getty Images, carefully identifying photos that showed masses of ‘cool people’ doing ‘cool things.’ Then, they located where these photos were taken on a map. According to the two women, the objective of the study was “to be able to quantify and understand, visually and spatially, how this creative cultural scene really worked.”

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