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Kennewick Man to Receive a Native American Burial


Five tribes claiming Kennewick Man as a relative will work to rebury him after the Army Corps of Engineers validated the 9,000-year-old skeleton is Native American. (Seattle Times)

Use our map to find the Yakima and Nez Perce cultural groups, who honor Kennewick Man as an ancestor.

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This clay facial reconstruction of Kennewick Man was carefully sculpted around the morphological features of his skull, and lends a deeper understanding of what he may have looked like nearly 9,000 years ago.
Sculpted bust of Kennewick Man by StudioEIS based on forensic facial reconstruction by sculptor Amanda Danning. Photo by Brittney Tatchell, Smithsonian Institution

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The exceptionally well-preserved skeleton of Kennewick Man is represented by nearly 300 bones and bone fragments.
Photo by Chip Clark, Smithsonian Institution







Native American groups call Kennewick Man the “Ancient One,” and regularly visit the skeleton at the Burke Museum of History and Culture in Seattle, Washington.
Photo by Chip Clark, Smithsonian Institution


Seattle Times: It’s official: Kennewick Man is Native American

Nat Geo: Native American Cultures map

(extra credit!) Nature: The ancestry and affiliations of Kennewick Man

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