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The Thorny Circle of Life


The presence of carnivores helps some plants thrive, a new study of life on the savanna reveals. (BBC)

Use this activity to better understand the plants and animals of the African savanna.

Teachers: Scroll all the way down for a short list of key resources in our “Teachers’ Toolkit.”

Use this lovely illustration to see some members of the savanna ecosystem—and use this handout to identify them.
Illustration by Tim Gunther, National Geographic

Discussion Ideas





BBC: Carnivores help trees thrive without thorns, study says

Science: Large carnivores make savanna tree communities less thorny

NG activity: African Savanna Community Web

NG illustration: African Savanna

(media extra credit!) Disney: The Lion King—”The Circle of Life”

(biology extra credit!) Nothing in Biology Makes Sense: Why grow thorns if they don’t work? . . . And here’s a ridiculously beautiful example of thorns not working (be sure to click and enlarge)!

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