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Sniffing out Cartography


Urban smellscape researcher Kate McLean travels the world mapping scents: Edinburgh smells of the brewery and penguin poo, New York’s summer is ripe with garlic and spilled beer, while Amsterdam smells of … damp? (Guardian)

Chart your own “smellscape” and other geography adventures with Mission: Explore!

Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers’ Toolkit.

“My process of smellmap creation involves taking data directly from the comments of the smellwalkers and transcribing them into symbols on a digital or physical map . . . The symbols may be watercolours or digital icons in the form of morphed isolines or tiny dots. Each map is also full of white space, alluding to the massive smell voids where we simply don’t notice the aromas around us.”

Discussion Ideas







The Guardian: The sweet smell of Amsterdam

Nat Geo: Mission: Explore (includes missions, badges, and ties to learning standards)

Kate McLaren: Sensory Maps

Nat Geo: Map It! with Young Children

Spotify: Musical Map—Cities of the World

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