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Some Schools Still Don’t Meet Nutrition Standards


When schools aren’t forced to provide healthy food, they usually don’t, according to a new study. (TIME)

Does your school provide healthy school lunches? Learn more about nutrition, and use our partner resources to better understand how to bring “food justice” to your classroom.

What is a healthy plate? Let the good folks at the Harvard School of Public Health and editors at Harvard Health Publications give you an idea. Click here to learn more.
Photograph courtesy the Center for Ecoliteracy—click here to learn more about their “Rethinking School Lunch” framework.

Discussion Ideas







This week is Geography Awareness Week, celebrating the Geography of Food! This week, our Current Event Connection will focus on Food in the News, exploring food as a dynamic, diverse interconnection between health, politics, the environment, and business.


TIME: Most Schools Still Don’t Meet Federal Nutrition Standards

Nat Geo: Teaching Tolerance: Food Collection

Nat Geo: Geography Awareness Week

Nat Geo: Food Education resources

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