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Earth Hour!

earth hour logo.jpgEarth Hour!  

Earth Hour is this Saturday, March 27th at 8:30pm local time. What is Earth Hour, you ask?  It is what it sounds like: an event organized by World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and celebrated by individuals and municipalities around the world, as a symbolic stance against global warming. How can you participate? Simply flip the switch to “OFF” for one hour.

Last year 87 countries and 4,100 cities came together in this effort, including many well-known and well-lit landmarks–the Las Vegas strip, the Great Pyramids of Giza, St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Symphony of Lights in Hong Kong, and the Sydney Opera House, to name a few. For these famous locations, time spent in literal darkness allowed for ample reflection of how our choices can change the world.  

Universities, schools, businesses, and even individuals are getting involved. This is a great chance for families to take a stance together to express ideals for the future, and for individuals to join with people from many cultures in a collective effort to change the world.  

Up for the challenge?  

If you’re curious about how much energy you use, take this quick quiz at There are several country identifications to choose from, so you should be able to get a fairly accurate calculation. If you can calculate how much energy you save in one hour by turning off the lights, let me know! I am curious to know how much energy could be saved throughout the world in just one hour.  

Visit to learn more about Earth Hour and to share your stories and photos.

This Saturday is a chance for the world to stand together in candle light and be mindful of our global energy footprint. So flip the switch!
By: Sarah Evans

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