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DNA Reveals Undiscovered Ancient Migration Route


For ten years, Genographic Project scientists have explored and explained how patterns in our DNA show evidence of migration out of Africa and across the globe. But new research shows that eventually some of our ancient ancestors also moved back. (Nat Geo Explorers Journal)

Use our resources to understand the Genographic Project and ancient human migration.

Couldn’t you look at this all day? Click to enlarge! Find the O2a haplogroup—that’s the population that fascinating new Genographic research has studied.
Gorgeous map by Chakazul, courtesy Wikimedia. CC-BY-SA-3.0

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Click on the image to visit our beautiful 13-second video spotlight of the “Global Human Journey.”
Map by National Geographic




Nat Geo: DNA Reveals Unknown Ancient Migration Into India

Nat Geo: The Global Human Journey video

Nat Geo: Genographic Project Education

Nat Geo: The Genographic Project (Celebrating 10 years of mapping the human story!)

(extra credit) Journal of Systematics and Evolution: A late Neolithic expansion of Y chromosomal haplogroup O2a1-M95 from east to west

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