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Cardinals Set to Elect New Pope


Papal Conclave: Runners and Riders
This article gives a brief overview of the leading candidates for pope. The 115 cardinals of the Catholic Church have begun their “papal conclave”—the mysterious meeting to elect one of their own as the new spiritual leader of more than a billion Catholics around the world. Popes are not just spiritual leaders, however. They are major international diplomats who frequently meet with presidents and prime ministers, and often issue statements on controversial social and political issues. For this reason, the world is watching Vatican City this week.

Pope John Paul II (right), meets the man who would eventually succeed him, German Cardinal John Ratzinger, in 1990. Ratzinger was elected pope in 2005, and chose the name Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict XVI resigned in February 2013, and a new college of cardinals is meeting to elect his successor.
Photograph by James L. Stanfield

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