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Five for Friday

1. Movie Miles!!???

These days, it’s hard not
to hear someone somewhere discussing the issue of food miles. “How far did your
food have to travel from farm to plate?” “How many gallons of gasoline were
consumed getting you that meal?” But why does it always have to be food? What
about the distance other items travel to get to us consumers? Check out this
thought-provoking article
comparing the environmental pros and cons of renting a movie from your local
video shop versus ordering it from an online database and having it mailed to
your doorstep.

2. Mapping
the Growth of a Giant

Walmarts. I think it’s safe to say that in the U.S., they’re
EVERYWHERE. But just how did that little (and by little I mean gargantuan)
store get to be so prevalent in this country? One interesting way to consider
the history of Walmart and its growth is through mapping. This awesome map chronicles the store’s
evolution from a small start-up in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas,
to the huge chain franchise it has become today.

3. More ‘Cool Globes’

In a recent “Five for Friday” I included a blurb
on the beautiful display of globes currently featured at the botanic gardens
here in Washington D.C. Luckily, D.C. is not the only place one can view such
works of art. To date, “Cool Globes” the non-profit behind the exhibits, has sponsored
displays in Chicago, D.C. ,
and San Francisco (just added). London will be next. The organization seeks to raise awareness about global warming as
well as inspire dialogue and local action to reverse climate trends.

4. Mapping the Arctic

The Arctic is one of the
few remaining regions of the globe that contains areas not yet claimed by any
country or sovereign power. Many experts predict that this will soon change,
especially as climate warming trends melt ice and open up previously
non-existent shipping lanes. This article
reveals the recent completion of an up-to-date map of the Arctic and discusses the controversies and debates the region will provoke in
forthcoming years.

5. Re-embracing Genetically Modified Food Crops

 As many Americans discuss and debate the issue of food—where
it’s grown, what chemicals are used, animal treatment, etc.—others living in
many of the world’s poorest regions are struggling to get enough food for their
next meal. Skyrocketing prices have sent many to any lengths necessary to
secure enough income to feed their families. That includes buying genetically
modified seeds from large U.S.
agricultural corporations. The concern with such seeds is that they are
homogenous, and thus reduce the biodiversity naturally present within a
particular crop. That means if one plant is struck by some sort of disease, the
entire crop can potentially be destroyed. This is just one piece of the debate
however. To find out more, check out this NPR

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