Educator Spotlight: Empowering a School Community to Recycle

David Sweeney inspired his third-graders to advocate for recycling and trash pickup at their school and in their community. Students collected trash, classified it, and analyzed the results. They connected with school community members to share their learning about recycling. David moved to fourth grade with his students this year and continues to support them in caring for their school. Continue reading Educator Spotlight: Empowering a School Community to Recycle

Possible Good News: Some Plastic Pollution Isn’t Plastic After All

ENVIRONMENT The sea is awash with microscopic bits of plastic. But a hint of good news is emerging from Vancouver Island, where a recent investigation found that the amount of plastic contamination in shellfish there is just a tiny percentage of what the scientists expected. (Hakai Magazine) Take these 10 easy steps to fight plastic pollution. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key … Continue reading Possible Good News: Some Plastic Pollution Isn’t Plastic After All

Educator Spotlight: Spreading Awareness for Water Issues through Art

Cathie Pearson designed a project called H2O Heroes in which her students made art out of recycled plastic products to raise awareness for ocean pollution. After learning about how water quality varies around the world, her students decided to continue the lesson with a fundraiser for the Water Project. Continue reading Educator Spotlight: Spreading Awareness for Water Issues through Art

10 Ways to Beat Plastic Pollution!

ENVIRONMENT The theme for World Environment Day is “Beat Plastic Pollution.” We can get you started with these family-friendly tips. (National Geographic) Planet or plastic? Use our resources to help make the decision, and take the plastic pledge. Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. Discussion Ideas 1. Straws Suck: Help your kids swap out the disposable straws … Continue reading 10 Ways to Beat Plastic Pollution!

What Happens to the Plastic We Throw Away?

ENVIRONMENT Scroll through how tons of trash travels from inland trash heaps to oceanic garbage patches. (National Geographic) Use our terrific activities to follow the “tremendous travels of trash” and the “perils of plastic.” Teachers, scroll down for a quick list of key resources in our Teachers Toolkit. Discussion Ideas How does so much trash end up in the middle of the ocean? directly. Trash … Continue reading What Happens to the Plastic We Throw Away?