Free Advice from Fed Chairman

UNITED STATES Advice from Ben Bernanke Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke outlines “Ten Suggestions,” one of the best, brightest commencement speeches you’ll hear this year. Listen up. Discussion Ideas Commencement speeches are given to graduating students. Universities often invite important leaders to give advice to the graduating class. Read other outstanding speeches here. (I’ll add this one.) Why do students think Princeton University invited Ben Bernanke … Continue reading Free Advice from Fed Chairman

Apple Questioned Over Taxes

BUSINESS Apple Questioned Over Taxes Apple Inc.’s tax methods have been questioned by a Senate committee that has accused the company of being “among America’s largest tax avoiders.” Watch this video to understand how billion-dollar corporations enjoy a tax haven in Ireland. Discussion Ideas: Taking advantage of Ireland’s low corporate tax rates, Apple Inc. paid just 1.9% tax on its $37 billion in overseas profits … Continue reading Apple Questioned Over Taxes

Hidden Victim of Somali Pirates: Science

WORLD Hidden Victim of Somali Pirates: Science “Piracy has stopped oceanographic work in the region,” says one scientist. “There’s been no data coming out of this area [the Indian Ocean near the Horn of Africa] for years. Zero.” Discussion Ideas: As writer and National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek writes in this article, some of the most notorious terrorists in the world are pirates who operate … Continue reading Hidden Victim of Somali Pirates: Science

Photo: Star Wars characters.

Luke, I am your Teacher.

In case you missed it, the White House recently released an official response to a petition that aimed to “secure resources and funding and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.” For those less nerdier than I, the Death Star is of Star Wars fame: the evil Empire’s giant superweapon/space station that is capable of destroying planets. Petitioners justified the creation of a Death … Continue reading Luke, I am your Teacher.

No Geography Left Behind?

Guest Blogger Chris Shearer examines the state of federal support for Geography education.

may be wondering to yourself, “If the world is becoming
flat, or post-American, or potentially close to collapse,
how is it that Geography–THE subject in school that
addresses these issues so well–is given such short shrift?” Okay, maybe you
weren’t wondering this but I, as a card-carrying geography education advocate,
was wondering it for you.

here’s one possible answer: federal policy.

Continue reading “No Geography Left Behind?”