Not again

2011-02-24_0000199.JPGWe took the same vacation to Wyoming like at least three different times when I was young.  The first time, it was awesome!  The second was just as cool because I got to go whitewater rafting.  By the third time, I was beginning to feel like we were stuck in a rut and there was nothing else to see in the state of Wyoming.  The following summers, when it came time to discuss family vacations, I was always in favor of a trip involving a state other than Wyoming.  Upon reflection, maybe I should have reconsidered and looked favorably on the idea of replicating a vacation destination.  Not convinced?  Here are 5 good reasons to visit destinations more than once:

1. To show someone else

Sometimes a specific place or trip is so special that you must share that experience with someone else.  When you have a memorable experience, it is only natural that you want to spread the wealth and make similar memories with another person who will appreciate it.  To illustrate, I have a good friend from college who has never been to Yellowstone National Park.  Even though I have visited Yellowstone, I would love to go there again to show her all the spectacular characteristics that awestruck me when I visited for the first time–the bubbling mud pots that smell like rotten eggs, Old Faithful‘s timely spouting, and the fun of having a snowball fight atop a mountain in July.

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