Blog-A-Thon Entry 3: Working to Make A Difference

Our third submission
for the day is from Veronica Del Bianco, a 4-H Agent at LSU Agcenter. Find out
how Veronica is working to spread the message of interdependence everyday!

4H kid shovel.jpg

There are
certain places in the world where the population is more aware of their geography
than others, and New Orleans, Louisiana is definitely one of them.  We sit below sea level surrounded by water –
fresh, brackish, and salt. Each day the Gulf of Mexico creeps closer and the
mighty Mississippi River flows by.  We
are the bottom of the basin that drains 41% of the continuous United States,
that’s 31 states and two Canadian provinces. 

Living in
Louisiana we are well aware of our interdependence on each other because nature
– especially water- does not know political boundaries. It just goes with the

But the
problem is that the Mississippi River brings along with it the decisions of
others in the form of pollutants like pesticides, fertilizers, and sewage. 

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Blog-A-Thon Entry 2: Oil Pollution and Justice in the Amazon

Our second Blog-A-Thon entry comes from Mackenzie Welch, a Gilman Scholar from Swarthmore College studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador. Follow her on her journey as she discovers how our need for oil connects us to people and places around the world.    In the United States, and all over the world, we use crude oil, or petroleum, to make all sorts of things. We refine the oil we … Continue reading Blog-A-Thon Entry 2: Oil Pollution and Justice in the Amazon

Being a National Geographic Cartographer

The first entry in our 2012 blog-a-thon comes from Juan Valdés, the official geographer of the National Geographic Society.  Photograph by Irmina Skonka Geography Awareness Week is celebrated in the United States every third week of November. This year’s theme–Declare Your Interdependence–is intended to explore the idea that we are all connected through the decisions we make on a daily basis, including what foods we eat and which … Continue reading Being a National Geographic Cartographer

The 2012 Geography Awareness Week Blog-A-Thon!

It’s finally here! The 2012 Blog-A-Thon has begun! Follow along all week for interesting perspectives on geography awareness and interdependence from all over the world! Want to participate? It’s not too late! Submit your own blog and join in on the fun! We will take submissions through Friday, November 16th at 8 pm! Send all submissions to Continue reading The 2012 Geography Awareness Week Blog-A-Thon!

Blog-a-thon: Planting Garlic

This blog submission comes from Mary Schons who decided to participate in the blog-a-thon by sharing her experience with planting garlic. Below is a glimpse at her photo gallery; to view her submission in full please follow this link.

My garden space is about 10′ x 15′– enough to grow as many tomatoes,
kale and chard as I want. There is a grapevine on the left, a new
experiment. Anyway, this year’s row of tomatoes will be the space for
next year’s garlic crop.

of chard, tomatoes and some wild oregano can be seen in the
end-of-the-party my garden has become. It was wet season with a late
start, so I still have tomatoes here and there ripening.

Indiana is a good place to grow garlic. According to the Encyclopedia
of Chicago, “Dutch immigrants arrived in 1855, and by 1900 had
established a tidy farm community. Jabaays, Kooys, Schoons, Jansens, and
Bakkers raised potatoes, cabbages, beans, and flowers along the ridge
for local families and regional wholesalers, and onion sets for the
national market.”

Incidentally, Munster used to be called Monster. I weep for the Chamber of Commerce opportunities lost.


My dad gave me a great idea for a compost bin: a metal trash can. I put
in kitchen scraps, stuff from hairbrushes, dryer lint, lawn clippings,
etc. We’re vegetarians, so no meat scraps.

garden3.jpgWhat you need to grow a garden: Garlic bulbs and a trowel. Usually I save a few bulbs from the season,
but this year I underestimated my garlic needs and had to order online. I
ordered from Grey Duck Garlic this year, my first time ordering from


Continue reading “Blog-a-thon: Planting Garlic”