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Teach History Inclusively With These Eight Community-Centric Lessons

National Geographic Explorer Ashley Lamb-Sinclair, steward of 2892 Miles to Go: Geographic Walk for Justice, wrote this post. In the spring of 2013, I took a busload of 15-year-olds to hear the Dalai Lama speak in our hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. His visit was a culminating moment after a year of citywide engagement with the global Charter for Compassion. My students were among hundreds who … Continue reading Teach History Inclusively With These Eight Community-Centric Lessons

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MapMaker Activity: Explore and Protect the Ocean With Pristine Seas

MapMaker, National Geographic’s geovisualization tool, contains an ever-expanding list of map layers curated for students. Together, they form a geographic data set that learners can use to illustrate a concept or tell a story. These map layers are data that learners can overlay on a basemap, like a transparency on a projector. In September, we shared tips for getting started with MapMaker. Now, we have … Continue reading MapMaker Activity: Explore and Protect the Ocean With Pristine Seas

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This Bat Season, Go Beyond the Myths With Your Learners

Educator James Fester wrote this post. Depending on where you live, this time of year can be a prime opportunity to see bats—those small, nocturnal, winged creatures. In the eastern U.S., bats search for food and mates in the fall before hunkering down to hibernate. This year, October 24-31 is Bat Week, a valuable chance to learn about and celebrate the role bats play in … Continue reading This Bat Season, Go Beyond the Myths With Your Learners

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Introduce Your Students to Mapmaking With This Interactive Tool

Are you looking for a new way to incorporate mapping into your teaching? Perhaps you’d like a hands-on tool for introducing a global topic or promoting spatial literacy. MapMaker, National Geographic’s online geovisualization tool, is here to help. It allows your learners to explore the world through various classroom-curated basemaps, data layers, and annotation options. With this web-based app, anyone can visually experience and interact … Continue reading Introduce Your Students to Mapmaking With This Interactive Tool

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Learn With Our Explorers on a Series of Expeditions in Hawai‘i

With a long tradition of open-ocean navigation and specialized skills to survive on remote islands, Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) have a deep connection to and understanding of the land and the sea. In the spirit of this tradition, National Geographic Explorers, including Kānaka Maoli, are embarking on expeditions driven by ocean conservation and exploration and informed by traditional Hawaiian knowledge. Educators, Scientists, and Storytellers Unite … Continue reading Learn With Our Explorers on a Series of Expeditions in Hawai‘i