Monday Funday Photo of the Week: Merry Christmas!

2011-11-30_1253729.JPGAround the world, Christian followers decorate Christmas trees and homes with bright lights, wreaths, candles, holly, mistletoe, and ornaments. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, many people go to church. Christmas in the United States brings together customs from many other countries and cultures. Scandinavian descendants in states such as Minnesota celebrate the Feast of St. Lucia by eating saffron buns, while Cajuns in Louisiana eat Kings Cake from the Festival of the Epiphany in early January through Mardi Gras in February.


On Christmas Eve, Santa comes from the North Pole in a sleigh to
deliver gifts. In Hawaii, it is said he arrives by boat; in Australia,
the jolly man arrives on water skis; and in Ghana, he comes out of the
jungle. (National Geographic Kids) See you all next Monday for a special treat as the My Wonderful World blog takes you to unique New Year’s celebrations all over the world!

2011-12-03_1255392.JPGPhoto Credits: Denise Thomason (Your Shot), Yannik Hay (Your Shot) & Veronika Kolev (Your Shot)
–Julia from My Wonderful World

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